This is Where I Draw the Line / 2020
An exploration of photography and painting and how we cognitively process images and texts and put together visual information to see familuar symbols and meanings

This is Where I Draw the Line
30″x30″ Photograph of a blank white canvas on white wall with acrylic paint added to the print
30″x30″ Photograph of a blank red canvas on white wall with acrylic paint added to the print
Self Portrait
30″x30″ Photograph of the back of a blank canvas with Sharpie signature added to the print
30,000 strokes
3’x5′ Dry erase board with 30,000 erasable marks made with dry erase marker
List of the Men Who
3’x5′ Photograph of dry erase board with black and green Sharpie markers added to the print
My Side Your Side
30″x40″ Dry erase board with oil stick, sharpie marker, and dry erase marker